..:: Biography ::..
In a way that seems to be either always greatly overlooked or sadly ill-considered by the metal community at large is that: sometime in the early months of 1986, perhaps one of the greatest metal associations between extreme musicians was formed. This being the union of Chuck Schuldiner and Chris Reifert, whom together represented the new face of Chuck's band DEATH to record the demo "Mutilation" and then the now death metal classic "Scream Bloody Gore" lp (Chris aged 17, Chuck 19).
The union split when Chuck relocated from California to Florida, not too long after the release of "S.B.G". Chris later hooked up with Eric Cutler and Eric Eigard (guitar and bass respectively) and began jamming as 'The Aborted'. Demo*1 ("Stillborn") was recorded locally and the band changed their name to AUTOPSY. Just a few rehersals from the completion of demo*2 ("Critical Madness") Danny Coralles joined to complete the line-up on 2nd guitar. Before the second demo was recorded, Eigard left the band to be replaced by Ken Sorvari. Bassists would turn out to be the bane of AUTOPSY's continued existence. Sorvari stayed in the band for around the first LP period, although DiGiorgio played bass on the actual LP itself as a session musician, also filling in to do the tracks for 'Retribution for the Dead' EP. Eric's own brother Steve played in the band on the 'Mental Funeral' LP and European tour. Steve DiGiorgio played once more on the 'Fiend for Blood' 12", Josh Barohn (ex SUFFOCATION, 'Acts of...' period) and Freeway Migliore (who has one of the best Metal names in known history) for 'Shitfun'.
Autopsy released two demos within the space of a year which both revolutionised death metal music in its essence. Chuck had chosen a (what was to become) more technical, more accessible route to his brand of death metal (some people yelled "sell out" as usual) which succesfully got a lot more emphasis and recognition for death metal. AUTOPSY however saw more sense in keeping it raw and brutal as per the original blueprint.
Chris, Danny and Eric were breeding a monster. Alongside CARCASS and DR SHRINKER, their style would pave the way toward what is today called 'goregrind' and has spawned a lot of bands in that genre who will all proudly tell you that Autopsy were the gods.
The bands first vinyl effort was when they blasted out the brilliant platter "Severed Survival"in 1990 just after their third demo of the same year. Some people see this lp as a more thrashy affair but I really would say it was the perfect blend of the then progressive death metal sound spawned from DEATH and their own sound. Autopsy had signed to Peaceville Records for their debut, and was a perfect breeding ground. With labelmates PARADISE LOST at their side, the next formula for death metal was preparing to take shape.
Over in Scandanavia ENTOMBED were carving the world up with their new crunchy sound and the birth of the 'Starlight' studio tone. Just across the border in Norway, DARKTHRONE had already seen the future - they saw how to evolve and made the bold step of gearing down their act. Now, Darkthrone and Autopsy were both 2 bands capable of technicality (as they had both proven with their first lp's) but what was to evolve at this point was to cut the scene into 2 directions. One gave rebirth and physical form to black metal, the other to goregrind. Death metal benefitted in 2 ways and not one drop of blood was spilt. At that point previous death metal seemed to have only a limited future.
Another important element here is the fact that Paradise Lost started getting into the TROUBLE sound and incorporating it into their music. Also, AUTOPSY did the very same thing but they used the doom element for a bolstering of heavyness where Paradise Lost simply sought pastures new and a chance to mellow their sound to change musical forms, and eventually to turn their backs on death metal altogether. However, this worked out in their favour and the legacy they left saves them from anyone slagging them off.
The first evidence of this turn in the AUTOPSY sound was heard on their European tour of Holland and UK backed up by PARADISE LOST, which was a great success for both bands.
Closely following this was the release of "In the Grip of Winter" a 3 song 12 inch. The new style was immense and very welcome indeed at that point. I was fortunate enough to get the white label / test pressing of this record and will never part with the thing, I just thought I would mention it. Cheers.
Hot on its heels was the full lp. Most of us had waited a few months that seemed like years with all the anticipation. What came next was the best AUTOPSY record by many peoples opinion, and that of mine own as well. Many people criticized the production, but many couldnt really see what was happening there. AUTOPSY had found their sound. It was generally most other bands that sought the squeaky clean productions and bright harmonics. AUTOPSY, with the help of Ron Rigler and Hammy (Peaceville manager) at the controls carved out a template that they used to their advantage. Download an example from the Audio section to compare the differences with "Severed Survival" if you need to. The sound was gruesome, grinding, atmospheric and brooding. If you turned it up loud enough it boomed a damned lot too. This lp sorted the men from the boys. AUTOPSY were now an angry bulldog ready to bite your face off, this was the real future of death metal.
Almost frighteningly soon after the carnage had died down from "M.F", along came "Fiend For Blood". Like a rat out of a cage (one filled with corpses and maggots) came this ugly seething mass of burnt decay. Six tortured screams of agony and visions of grotesque deformities came fourth from the speakers. Although the music had taken another gear down in terms of techncality, AUTOPSY made another turn. They included a rare thing in death metal - groove, a jazz bass line and off kilter drumming added to the sound of the sludgy kinda feel already going on with the loud and live sounding production. AUTOPSY no longer gave a fuck anymore about what people thought. They knew full well that only hardcore death metal fans would follow where they led. Being a band of now immense creditability in death metal circles they could almost get away with murder... and who knows?
In 1993 after a few tours and some great acclaim, AUTOPSY answered the begging call with their new platter of splatter "Acts of the Unspeakable". Now this lp wasnt looking for acceptance, it wasnt looking to buy a new fanbase. You took it and if you didnt like it, you never really got what AUTOPSY were all about. Downright sleazy, ugly and despicable - and that was just the inside cover!! "Acts.." is was of the only gatefold death metal lp's, and with good cause too. The Kent Mattieu work of art summed up exactly what you were about to hear. Once again, the band had gone heavier, darker, seedier and more unruly. The production was geared for "members only" death metal fans, being dark anddull as well as bottom end heavy. Some people would use the term a "meaty" production, and that was probably the best way to describe it. "Your rotting face" is like a meat fight in a butchers store room and deals with the sensitive subject of Necrophilia. Now, I know some people reading this may be groaning at the thought of reading such lyrics but let us bare in mind that death metal lyrics on the whole are a tad silly and I'm sure Chris would tell you he doesn't really do such things to corpses...
After more touring to promote their last effort, AUTOPSY went on hold for a short time, Eric had left and some thought all was lost when in 1995 "Shitfun" silenced the desparity. However, by this time death metal had more or less gone bottom up, and a million like sounding bands had drowned what air there was left for most to breath. A lot of the old school death metallers had already sought different climes as a result. This reflected in poorer sales for the new lp (coupled with less promotion on Peacevilles side of things), and the band split up not too long after that.
The end of a legend but also the beginning of a new era for Chris and Danny as they had formed ABSCESS just before 'Shitfun' was recorded and Eric had left. Check out their new lp - "Through the cracks of death". I honestly believe that their new lp surpasses anything they did in the past as AUTOPSY, but of course this is my own opinion. Check em out, see what you think. Cheers for reading!
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